
Therapeutic interventions are used through planned programs timetabled into the daily timetable, and also in response to the needs of pupil’s individual needs throughout the day to support attention and focus, access to the curriculum and self-regulation. Therapies include (but are not limited to), TreeTops occupational therapy (sensory integration), physiotherapy, speech and language sessions, intensive interaction, movement skills, yoga, dough disco, write dance, Jessie’s fund (music), therapy dogs, horse riding.

Communication and language


The Picture Exchange Communication System, or PECS, allows people with little or no communication abilities to communicate using pictures. PECS allows children to make choices and to make their wants and needs known. In school we have symbols displayed throughout the academy to encourage and improve communication skills.

Makaton (example)

Makaton is a unique communication programme that uses symbols (pictures), signs (gestures) and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression.


Augmentive and Alternative Communication means all the ways in which a pupil communicated besides from verbal speech. Many pupils use AAC if they have difficulty with speech or language skills. Augmentative means to add to someone’s speech. Alternative means to be used instead of speech. The use of AAC in our academy promotes independence, expanding communication and increasing social interaction for our pupils.

Visual supports

Visual supports are a personalised communication tool that is used throughout our school. They are used for every situation that a pupil may face throughout their day and are adaptable and portable. Visual supports help provide structure and routine for our pupils whilst encouraging independence and building confidence. Visual aids also help improve our pupils understanding which can reduces frustration and anxiety in our pupils.

It also provides those all-important opportunities to our pupils to interact with other and be heard when they may not have a voice to do so.

Visual supports offer a consistency where spoken words cannot.

Objects of reference

Objects of reference are used to help children communicate and understand daily routines, transitions and what is coming next in their day. They can be a whole object or part of an object and they represent an activity or a place. The object is shown to the child and the child is able to touch the object and will become familiar with what the object represents.

Intensive interaction

Intensive Interaction is about encouraging communication skills and building better relationships with people by adapting to the child’s communication needs or personal style. We make it easier for children to reach and connect with us, by being more like them, reducing our speech, our behaviour and joining in with some of their behaviour.

Attention Autism

Attention Autism is a learning approach that aims to develop natural and spontaneous communication skills for children through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities.

Write dance (example)

Write Dance is an exciting music and dance approach to develop the physical skills needed for writing. The movement is driven by the music and the underlying principle is enjoyment to build confidence.

Clear packs

Clear packs are a resource for working with individual children at their specific word level. They are introduced through Speech and Language programmes and are used alongside pupil’s individual targets.


Discovery have created their own phonics criteria based on RWI. All children follow a phonics programme starting from body percussion, environmental sounds to exploring initial letter sounds through what’s in the box activities.

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Tees Valley Education