
At Discovery, we teach pupils to understand themselves and the world around them and to develop a sense of where they live, including access to opportunities that develop the cultural capital needed to raise aspirations. To communicate in different ways and to pose and answer questions using appropriate vocabulary. Pupils will develop key knowledge needed to progress onto a more formal curriculum.

EYFS and Informal Pathway

Pupils develop their music skills and knowledge through singing, listening, and exploring sounds. They enjoy singing songs, clapping rhythms, and playing simple instruments like tambourines or drums. Through these activities, they learn to recognise different sounds, rhythms, and patterns in music. They also explore how music can express feelings or tell stories. By experimenting with creating their own sounds and movements, children build confidence, creativity, and a love for music. These experiences help develop their listening skills and coordination too.

Semi Formal Pathway

Intent in music (and through musical experiences and activities) A progressive Music curriculum is implemented which develops learning and enjoyment of MusicPupils will explore and understand how music is created, produced and communicatedPupils will enjoy singing and playing musical instruments Pupils will enjoy performing music within their classroom and at whole school eventsIn music, by the end of the semi-formal curriculum children will be able to: Understand musical expression and use their voices and instruments to perform. Begin to play tuned and untuned instruments musically, Listen with concentration to a range of high quality live and recorded music and be able to describe sounds and feelings associated with this Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds
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Tees Valley Education