In history, pupils at Discovery follow a well-planned curriculum that helps them build understanding and skills while revisiting prior learning to deepen their knowledge of local, British, and world history. Across all pathways and ages, pupils are taught to ‘know more, do more, and remember more’ over time.

EYFS and Informal Pathway

Pupils in Nursery and Reception and those on the Informal pathway, through the Understanding of the World around me and thinking and learning areas of learning are taught to understand themselves and the world around them and to develop a sense of where they live, including access to opportunities that develop the cultural capital needed to raise aspirations. They also develop their ability to communicate in different ways and to pose and answer questions using appropriate vocabulary. Pupils will develop key knowledge needed to progress onto a more formal curriculum if appropriate.

EYFS Long term plans



Informal Pathway

Year 1&2

Year 3&4

Year 5&6

Semi Formal Pathway

Intent in history (and history-based activities)

  • Pupils will develop a historical understanding at a very personal level, exploring their own family history.
  • Pupils will develop a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
  • Pupils will communicate their ideas in different ways, posing and answering questions using appropriate vocabulary, building on prior knowledge.

In history, by the end of the semi-formal curriculum children will be able to:

  • Understand how things have changed over time in living memory and beyond beginning with self, family and moving into significant people and events
  • Understand how significant events in history have changed the way we live now (e.g. with technology, cars, houses)
  • Recognise some differences between aspects of their own everyday lives and the lives of people in the past

Knowledge organisers outline the key new knowledge for each unit and the prior knowledge needed for pupils to make meaningful connections to new learning

Year 9 Curriculum

Explore and Expand Social and Cultural incorporates history, geography and RE.  It aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the world around us, whilst also encouraging pupils to take an interest in their own and different cultures and communities.  We aim to introduce pupils to significant people, places and events, opening their eyes to a wider world.


Secondary pupils attended the Cenotaph to remember those who have lost their lives and continue to protect the country in the armed forces.

Year 9 pupils took part in a virtual Jorvik Viking experience in December. They were able to ask questions about any element of the lifestyles Vikings lived. The experience was fantastic and the pupils engaged so well with it all.

Proud to be part of

Tees Valley Education