
Children learn geography through key areas such as location and place knowledge, fieldwork, map skills, human and physical geography, and enquiry. Across all pathways and ages, pupils are taught to ‘know more, do more, and remember more’ over time.

EYFS and Informal Pathway

Pupils in Nursery and Reception, through the Understanding of the World around me and thinking and learning areas of learning are taught to understand themselves and the world around them and to develop a sense of where they live, including access to opportunities that develop the cultural capital needed to raise aspirations. They also develop their ability to communicate in different ways and to pose and answer questions using appropriate vocabulary. Pupils will develop key knowledge needed to progress onto a more formal curriculum if appropriate.

Semi Formal Pathway

Intent in geography (and geography-based activities) Pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of their local area, their county and the world around them.Pupils develop an awareness of different environments, locally and all over the world, valuing the importance of taking care of our environment and the natural world around us.Pupils will communicate their ideas in different ways, posing and answering questions using appropriate vocabulary, building on prior knowledge.  In geography, by the end of the semi-formal curriculum children will be able to: Know how their locality has changed over time Know where they live locally and how this fits into the united kingdomDescribe the main features of localities and recognise similarities and differencesRecognise where things are and begin to understand why they are as they areExpress their own views/opinions about features of an environment and recognise how it is changingUnderstand how to care for the environment and how we as humans can protect it

Knowledge organisers outline the key new knowledge for each unit and the prior knowledge needed for pupils to make meaningful connections to new learning.

Long Term Plans



Semi-formal Pathway

Informal Pathway Cycle A

Year 1&2

Year 3&4

Year 5&6

Year 9+


Proud to be part of

Tees Valley Education