This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We were so brave being one of the first classes to present our learning to our friends from other year groups in Achievement Assembly. Together, we developed a script. Here it is: ‘We made a line of enquiry to investigate: what happens when a solid object is put in front of a light source? As a group, we agreed on a hypothesis: ‘The solid object will cast a shadow’. We listed the equipment we needed. The sun was the light source we used. We made shadow puppets and went to the sunny playground. The shadow puppets blocked the sun light. We observed shadows on the yard. This is because light travels in straight lines.’
We also found out… We are SCIENTISTS!
Well Done to all our Explorers
Becky’s Class Hunter For joining in with circle time singing- Well done!
Maddi’s Class Arthur For his progress with lunch in the hall and emotional regulation in class
Safah’s Class Lily For fantastic phonics work.
Kirsty’s Class Harrison For staying focused on learning
Sophie’s Class Pearl For great eye contact during interactions.
Chloe’s Class Isa For making marks related to his own name.
Charlotte’s Class Toby For being more engaging in all activities and listening to an adult
Laura’s Class Otis For his dough disco skills!
Michelle’s Class Grace Growing Imaginative play
Dominic’s Class David For tasting and exploring different foods and drinks
Katherine’s Class Amber For having a positive attitude for her learning in all areas
Lara’s Class Louie For working hard with adults and trying his best with his phonics.
Clare’s Class Mohamed For always trying his best
Kathryn’s Class Michael Focusing on independent tasks to achieve his best.
Lydia’s Class Sunni Always working independently and trying her best.
Jenni’s Class Erin Taking responsibility and cleaning up after class activities independently.
Alex’s Class Thomas Making a huge effort to join in with every activity
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Full detailsIn Dominic's class we have all had an amazing school year so...
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