Look at what Zahida’s class have been doing this Week!

In PSHERE the children have been exploring the meaning of community and looking at how they are a part of the Teesside community because it is an area they all live in. We also looked at local landmarks that are special to our community

The children also enjoyed making Dreamcatchers using symbols of what makes them happy as part of their Wellbeing Day activities

The children have enjoyed our recent class story, The Snail and the Whale and did some fantastic work associated with the story. They enjoyed writing about the story and describing what the snail saw on her journey and the adventures she had.  They used their creative skills to make our own snails and whales

Explorer of the Week

Cheryl’s class – Jack, for blending sound so that he can hear words

Becky’s class – Harrison & Darcie, Harrison for following instructions and Darcie for wearing ear defenders

Kirsty’s class – Tommie, for using the toilet

Zahida’s class – Harry W, For engaging and doing some lovely sunflower artwork

Grace’s class – Charlie, for amazing poetry this week!

Sophie’s class – Mia, for excellence perseverance learning her 2 times tables

Morgan’s class – Azaan, for using more words

Jenni’s class – Morgan & Mayley, For perseverance when trying something new and being amazing at supporting their peers and staff in class

Michelle’s class – Zoya, for using her big voice to recite poems in literacy

Lara’s class – Noah, for completing activities with great care in math’s and english

Charlotte’s class – Archie, for independently exchanging symbols with an adult to make a request.

Andy’s class – Matthew, for an excellent poem using alliteration

David’s class – Joey, Initiating participation in learning activities

Dates for Diaries

Trip to Pendragon for Becky and Hanna’s class on Monday 3 July

Transition Day for Y7 on Thursday 6 July PM

Sports day on Friday 7 July PM

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