Look at what Kathryn’s Class have been doing this week

It has been an exciting week for Kathryn’s class! We have been learning about money and we even set up our own shop in our intervention room! We calculated stock, priced items and took turns to be the shop keeper and customers. After learning about recognising different coins, we were able to give the shop keeper the right about to buy a treat! We also checked our change to make sure it was correct. It was really fun to learn about money in a real life context.

Science has also been a top priority this week with the arrival of our living eggs project! We had 10 eggs in our incubator and… 10 healthy chicks have hatched out! We have taken turns to visit them and check their water and food. They are so fluffy and soft! Using the information posters, we can see that Wednesday was day 21 in the cycle as that is when they hatched. It was amazing to watch – luckily we caught it on camera!

FREE online courses for care givers.   WEA provide a whole range of diverse online courses FREE for carers and care givers. These courses are bitesize and range from Yoga, virtual visits to stately homes, better nutrition, reflexology, cooking and lots more!


Explorer of the Week

Becky’s class Nevaeh Fantastic mark making with water on the aqua mat

Maddi’s class Harper For excellent engagement and gorgeous interaction with staff and peers

Dominic’s class Amy For sitting in the circle during Attention Autism

Charlotte’s class Kian For engaging with staff and pupils, as well as starting to communicate verbally.

Lara’s class Zakaria For being independent and taking control over his own writing and using his imagination.

Kirsty’s class Jack  For trying new foods and focusing in adult led activities. 

Jenni’s class Jahmiah Fantastic composition and development of sentences in English and brilliant helping in class.

Clare’s class Isla For creating a wonderful independent recount of our story using adjectives.

Michelle’s class Jack

trying hard with segmenting and blending Sophie’s class River For listening to adult instructions.

Kathryn’s class Hayley Independently checking her work

Sarah’s class Harvey For super writing of the story Young Zeus

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