Look at what Hanna’s class have been doing this week…
This week, the children have enjoyed a range of activities including making bird feeders and ribbon sticks as part of our mental health wellbeing week. We then used our ribbon sticks for our movement sessions in class and P.E. The children have also thoroughly enjoyed planting flowers.
We are beginning to access the cooking room for our cooking sessions. This week, we enjoyed learning how to make a smoothie. We are looking forward to making cheese on toast next week as well as learning how to stay safe in the cooking room.
Explorer of the week
Well done to all our Explorers!!
Becky’s class Myla For exploring wet messy play-well done
Maddi’s class Jessica For excellent engagement and communicating her needs with staff really well!
Hanna’s class Tessabella for excellent engagaement and vocalising her feelings, wants and needs more this week. Well done!
Dominic’s class Harrison Amazing sight reading and spelling
Morgan’s class Morgan For beginning to help with his personal needs
Lara’s class Lucia For trying hard in her maths and english work and creating positive relationships with her peers.
Kirsty’s class Halle For recognising adults around school and enagaging in group input.
Jenni’s class Ralfs For helping around school and being kind to his friends
Clare’s class Tyler For being a super helper in class.
Michelle’s class Scarlett Exploring wet textures
Sophie’s class Abdul For completing shape work in maths every day.
Sarah’s Class Max Engaging in all learning throughout the week. Well done!
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