End of Term

What a fantastic end to the term and year. All our pupils from nursery to year 7 have worked so hard and are well and truly ready for some time at home. We have achieved so much in such a short period of time and it is wonderful to see the progress all pupils have made. Have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to seeing your children back on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. 

Dates for Dairies

Tuesday 3rd January- First day of term

Thursday 5th January- Jenni’s Class Horse Riding AM

Explorer of the Week

Cheryl’s Class- Everyone, for a fantastic first term in nursery, following routines and making relationships. Well done everyone!

Becky’s Class- Harrison, for wonderful mark making 

Hanna’s Class- Kody, for lovely engagement and interaction with staff and in a wide range of activities 

Leanne’s Class- Toby and Elijah, for sitting well and building my attention at group times (Toby).  For excellent use of my communication book at dinner time (Elijah)

Lara’s Class- Lucia, for good signing and singing the alphabet.

Morgan’s Class- Natan, for being able to tell staff what day of the week it is from Monday to Friday

Charlotte’s Class- Ameina, for developing counting and number recognition skills

Zahida’s Class- Tilly Ann, for trying hard with her name writing and remembering to make the right choices.

Jenni’s Class- Zaky, for his fantastic effort in his written work, and for asking some brilliant questions about our naughty elves.

Michelle’s Class- Benny, been kind and helpful all week. 

Sophie’s Class- Jaycee, for her kind words and thoughtfullness towards others. 

Andy’s Class- Aqsa, for constant dedication and hard work

Grace’s Class- Lexi-Mae, for lovely poem writing

Keeping Safe Around Frozen Water


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