We donated food to food banks
We had a Winter Party
Our children learned all about Chinese New Year
We took part in environment day
And we went on lots of exciting trips!
We have had a great year and can’t wait until we are in our new build and can continue learning and exploring! We hope you all have a lovely summer!
Louise’s Class- Vienna, for being happy all week and trying new foods
Becky’s Class- Miles, for fantastic reading
Cheryl’s Class- Elsie, for fantastic progress with her name writing, Well Done Elsie!
Leanne’s Class- River, for being independent in all his learning
Zahida’s Class- Everyone, for being fabulous all week
Grace’s Class- Everyone, for amazing e-safety work this week
Hanna’s Class- Zoya, for trying different foods at dinner time
Morgan’s Class- Furqan, for being amazing all week and reading his book
Michelle’s Class- Umayar, for showing skills and perseverance whilst swimming today
Moving Week What a week we had last week preparing the different...
Full detailsLook at what Andy's Class have been doing this week! Andy’s class...
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