Look at what Charlotte’s Class have been doing this week
Charlotte’s class have settle back into the school routine and enjoyed seeing friends and staff after being off for half term. We enjoyed learning and retelling the new class story ‘Whatever next’. The children used the props to re-enact the story and used the soundboard to make sound effects whilst an adult read the story to them.
Explorer of The Week
Explorer of the Week
Maddi’s class Poppy For excellent engagement and communication using new symbols!
Hanna’s class Vinnie For excellent interaction with staff making requests using full sentences.
Dominic’s class Charlie For including adults in his play
Morgan’s class Vienna For trying new foods
Zahida’s class Noah For following instructions Charlotte’s class David For excellent interaction with staff making requests using full sentences.
Lara’s class Morgan For learning all his times tables in maths.
Kirsty’s class Halle For saying “Good Morning” in our good morning routine.
Jenni’s class Tilly Ann For settling back into routines well and good attitude to learning.
Clare’s class Benny For involving himself in the class activities and improved behaviour.
Michelle’s class Esme For taking part in her sensory programme
Sophie’s class Joey for completing independent mark making.
Alex’s class Lorena For excellent progress in her writing and applying her phonics knowledge
Kathryn’s class Amber For reading progress and excellent performance at choir
Sarah’s class Harvey For super work on place value in Maths
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