This term we have been exploring different fruits. We have drawn them, tasted them and practised cutting them safely. This week we designed and made a fruit kebab. They were delicious.
Louise’s Class- Everyone, for having the best morning at Pendragon
Becky’s Class- Zach, for fantastic talking and brilliant reading
Cheryl’s Class- Jacob, for welcoming new children into our group and taking care of them
Leanne’s Class- for being a fantastic listener on our trip to Saltburn
Zahida’s Class- Jahmiah, for doing super maths work
Grace’s Class- Charlie, for practicing new speech and language activities
Hanna’s Class- Sami, for being confident and caring
Morgan’s Class- Sihem, for beginning to write words and letters independently
Michelle’s Class- Harvey, for showing good manners towards adults and children
Academy library We are pleased to share with you our new home/academy...
Full detailsLook at what Zahida's Class have been doing The children have been...
Full detailsHappy new year to all our pupils and families. Look what Sophie's...
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