During the Spring term Zai’s class have been learning about people in our community who can help us. We have enjoyed doing some role play, making an ambulance with junk modelling, and making some lovely emergency vehicles during expressive arts sessions.
In reception we love to explore the world around us. We also love water play, so we have really enjoyed finding different objects to put in water to check which will sink, and which will float!
Our class has enjoyed celebrating ‘Wellbeing’ through making calm faces with paint, playdough and leaves. We also made some colourful rainbows, and the children loved making smiley faces in the mirrors. Happy times!
We would like to remind you that Discovery is an allergy-aware and nut-free school. As part of our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of all our pupils, we ask that no products containing nuts are brought into school.
This policy includes, but is not limited to, items such as peanut butter, nut-based snacks, Nutella, Kinder Bueno, chocolate spreads containing nuts and any other food products containing nuts in their ingredients. We kindly request your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe environment for all pupils.
Thank you for your continued support.
Well done to all our Explorers
Becky’s Class Hunter For fantastic work in speech and language
Morgan’s Class Amy For going a full day without a nappy Carl’s Class Lily Amazing phonics work
Kirsty’s Class Scarlet For using beautiful language when retelling a story
Chloe’s Class Isa For showing his physical wants and needs.
Charlotte’s Class Abdul For eating his lunch in the dining hall with the rest of the class.
Michelle’s Class Blake Tolerance and good listening!!
Dominic’s Class Kian For his kind and gentle nature towards animals
Katherine’s Class Joel For trying hard with his letter formation
Beth’s Class Harry for all aspects of his learning
Kathryn’s Class Harvey Super effort with writing
Lydia’s Class Jayden Being resilient and accomplishing a new target.
Alex’s Class Simrah For showing enthusiasm for creative writing on world book day
Look at what Hanna's Class have been doing this week! This week,...
Full detailsLook at what Clare's Class have been doing this week. 999 calls...
Full detailsLook what Lara's class have been doing this week. Our focus text...
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