Look at what Andy’s Class have been doing this week!

This week, Andy’s class have started reading a new book, Where the Forest Meets the Sea.  We have been talking about the sights and sounds that the boy at the centre of the story would experience and the emotions he would feel.  We went into our own ‘forest’ to see what we could see and hear and think about how it made us feel.

Explorer of the Week

Becky’s class- Darcie, for a fantastic first week back, exploring the classroom independently

Hanna’s class- Amy , for lovely engagement with adults. Well done! 

Leanne’s class- Blake, for following routines and listening well in class.

Zahida’s class- Essa, for lovely drawing.

Grace’s class- Hayley, for taking part in Geography lessons with lots of enthusiasm!

Sophie’s class – Benny, for settling into his new class and working hard in all lessons. 

Morgan’s class- Azaan, for beginning to use his independence skills to take his coat off after break time.

Jenni’ class- Sofie, for fantastic approach to learning tasks, working hard and trying her best.

Michelle’s class- Zoya, for settling into her new class and using her voice. 

Lara’s class- Josh, for following daily instructions and for good listening.

Charlotte’s class- Amiena, for using her voice with confidence saying ‘ I want orange’ 

Andy’s class- Thomas, for increased participation in class

David’s Class- Joey, for settling in to a new class and routine with some lovely engagement

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