In Morgan’s Class we have been practising our prepositions in class this term and putting different hats on our heads whilst singing different songs.

The children have been doing very well and building positive relationships with their friends in class and working on those all-important skills of sharing, allowing others in their space and interacting with one another.

We’ve been working on our communication skills using sound pads, symbols and gestures to get our needs and wants met.

They have also worked hard on exploring and learning numbers one to five with lots of number songs, sensory exploring of different numbers and number matching activities.

Parent information

Explorers of the Week

Well done to all our explorers of the week

Becky’s Class Hudson Jay For working hard during speech therapy

Zahida’s Class Luna For using her beautiful voice in school.

Morgan’s Class Amy For beginning to indepently join circle time activities. 

Safah’s Class Tommie For being a fantastic helper.

Kirsty’s Class Amber  For joining in with body percussion 

Sophie’s Class Temidere For fantastic counting work

Chloe’s Class Natan For recognising peers in his class.

Michelle’s Class Blake a great settled week in school. 

Dominic’s Class Amanuel For his singing and engagement in speech and language games

Katherine’s Class Josh for fantastic vocabulary when sharing a book with an adult

Beth’s Class Harry  For working hard on his letter formation

Clare’s Class Ralfs For making great progress in Maths and Phonics.

Sarah’s Class Bella Using first, next and then correctly in her writing.

Lydia’s Class Mia For growing in confidence with writing. 

Jenni’s Class Hayley For her fantasticly detailed independent writing.

Alex’s Class Charlie For showing perseverance learning his phonics sounds

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