In Lydia’ class, our science topic has been centred around fossils! In this lesson, we worked collaboratively to make salt dough fossils. We had to use our maths knowledge to carefully measure the ingredients to ensure that our dough would be the correct consistency.
We then used plastic animals, cocktail sticks and paper straws to create our design/imprints. We thoroughly enjoyed this lesson and hope to do it again soon!
Well done to all our explorers this week
Maddi’s Class Sophie For building and knocking over towers in soft play independently
Morgan’s Class Amy For beginning to show curiosity in words
Carl’s Class Vinnie For super engagement with 1:1 adult-led activities
Kirsty’s Class Frankie For using language to communicate with adult
Chloe’s Class Hassan For engaging in curriculum activities unrelated to special interest
Charlotte’s Class Toby For playing independently and seeking adult interaction.
Dominic’s Class Amiena For following instructions independently during cooking
Katherine’s Class Victor For fantastic progress in his phonics
Beth’s Class Charlie For always being dedicated to his learning
Clare’s Class Saffron For her amazing poetry performance
Kathryn’s Class Umayar Superb independent write
Alex’s Class JouJou Always being so polite and looking out for her class mates
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