
At Discovery, we teach pupils to understand themselves and the world around them and to develop a sense of where they live, including access to opportunities that develop the cultural capital needed to raise aspirations. To communicate in different ways and to pose and answer questions using appropriate vocabulary. Pupils will develop key knowledge needed to progress onto a more formal curriculum.

EYFS and Informal Pathway

Pupils develop their computing skills and knowledge through play and exploration with technology. They use simple devices like tablets, interactive whiteboards, and programmable toys to learn basic skills, such as tapping, dragging, and pressing buttons. These activities help them understand how technology works and how it can be used to solve problems or create something new. By exploring age-appropriate software and games, they develop early skills like following instructions, recognising patterns, and thinking logically. These experiences lay the foundation for their future understanding of computing.

Semi Formal Pathway

Intent in computing (and computing based activities) Pupils will learn how to use a range of digital technology to aid their access to the curriculum. Pupils will develop their knowledge of computing processes, including sequencing, and coding where appropriate.Pupils will, where appropriate, learn how to safely use technology and the internet, and to be a digital citizen.    In computing, by the end of the semi-formal curriculum children will be able to: Understand how to stay safe online including keeping personal information private and identifying where to go for help if they are worriedUnderstand in simple terms what algorithms are developing their knowledge of computing processes, including sequencing, and coding where appropriateUse digital tools to create and express their ideasUse digital technology to organise, store and retrieve digital contentRecognise common uses of information technology beyond school

Knowledge organisers outline the key new knowledge for each unit and the prior knowledge needed for pupils to make meaningful connections to new learning.




Semi Formal Pathway

Informal Pathway

Year 9+


Proud to be part of

Tees Valley Education