Look at what Becky’s class have been doing this week!

Fun in the sun ☀️

Becky’s class have been enjoying the amazing weather with lots of outdoor learning. We have been exploring water, sand and building models in our garden

Explorer of the Week

Cheryl’s Class – Blake, for listening to and following adult instructions

Becky’s Class – Charlie, for making a repeating pattern

Hanna’s Class – Pearl, for excellent joint interaction and engagement in non-preferred sensory activities. Well done!

Kirsty’s Class – Tommie, for been helpful with adults and peers 

Zahida’s Class – Essa, for using Fred in his head and reading cvc words

Grace’s Class – Lilly, for excellent money word problems in Maths

Sophie’s Class – Harvey, for his incredible bravery after his accident. 

Morgan’s Class – Scarlett, for getting adult’s in class to continue signing our sensory story ‘stop elephant stop

Jenni’ class – Matthew, fantastic start to toilet training!!!

Michelle’s Class – Oliver and Izack, for amazing diary entries all week. 

Lara’s Class – Jacob, for always showing resilience and being brave in all situations.

Charlotte’s Class  – Amiena, for singing ‘Stop elephant Stop’ to the class playing teacher.

Andy’s Class – Thomas, for brilliant independent writing in English

David’s Class – Otis, for Initiating and sustaining interactions

Summer Fayre

We Will Rock you Raffle Tickets

Dates for Diaries

We Will rock you Concert on Tuesday 20 June and Wednesday 21 June – if you haven’t already bought tickets please send your money in by Monday at the latest

Dates available

Tuesday 20 June 5pm

Wednesday 21 June 1pm or 5pm

Ticket costs – £5 per adult/£3 per child

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

Full details

Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

Full details

Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

Full details

Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

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Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

Full details

Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Look at what Charlotte’s class have been doing this week!

In school this week we have celebrated World Environment Day, re-using plastic bottles in a useful way. Charlotte’s class cleaned the ocean removing plastics from the water and decorated a sun catcher to go in an outdoor sensory garden. #BeatPlasticPollution🌍♻️

Explorer Of The Week

Cheryl – Enas, for saying the letters of the alphabet whilst completing the jigsaw

Becky – Leo, for fantastic listening and speaking

Hanna – Amy, for a lovely settled week and great engagement with staff. Well done!

Kirsty – Teddy, for exploring the potion station, lots of tipping and pouring

Zai – Alex, for showing independence in movement sessions

Grace – Erin, for excellent effort in Math’s

Sophie – Jaycee, for writing on the line and using finger spaces

Morgan – Natan, for joining in with 10 in the bed number rhyme and being able to say the quantity of items left in the bed

Jenni – Tyler, for amazing effort in phonics, beginning to read CVC words and working hard segmenting and blending sounds

Michelle – Holly, for working hard in math’s on first and last

Lara – Lucia, for being a kind friend, comforting others when they are sad

Charlotte – Hanim, for excellent attendance this week

Andy – Aqsa, for being extremely mature on the University visit

David – Rivu, for embracing change of routine and sensory input

Dates for Diaries

Multi-Sport After School Club on Tuesday 13 June 3pm until 4pm

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

Full details

Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

Full details

Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

Full details

Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

Full details

Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

Full details

Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Look at what Kirsty’s class have been doing this week!

Nursery children visited Newham Grange farm, they were all excited for the trip. First, we explored the discovery barn, we saw a sleeping big pig, a pony, baby lambs and guinea pigs called Lily and fudge. The lambs were just as excited to see the children as they were them, we fed them some food and stroked their soft fur. The children’s favourite part of the day was definitely seeing the guinea pigs and rabbits. We then went for a walk around the farm where we saw lots of bigger animals, the children recognised cows, horses, ducks, chickens and lamas. The children had lots of fun listening to the different animal sounds as they explored and enjoyed copying them, it was lovely to see they recognised so many animals.

All the excitement made the children hungry, we had our own room to sit and relax and eat lunch. After lunch the children went to play at the park, playing on the swings, slide and climbing frame.

The farm trip ends our topic this term of animals, the children have enjoyed making animals, completing animal themed maths & literacy activities and animal yoga. 

Explorer Of The Week

Cheryl’s Class – Toby, for engaging in interaction with adults

Becky’s Class – Harrison, for mark making on the whiteboards and in paint

Hanna’s Class – Kodi-Lee, for naming everyday objects. Well done! 

Kirsty’s Class – Lily, for taking turns and sharing with her friends, well done Lily

Zahida’s class – Mason, for using his big, brave voice

Grace’s class – Lexi-Mae, for excellent recount writing in English

Sophie’s class – Umayar, for adjusting well to wearing glasses for the first time

Morgan’s class – Grace, for beginning to use adjectives in her sentences

Jenni’ class – Morgan, for always being so helpful to both his friends and his teachers

Michelle’s class – Oliver, for an excellent piece of independent writing using descriptive language.

Lara’s class – Elsie, for being brave, kind and caring always

Charlotte’s class – Furqan, for excellent counting in maths

Andy’s class – Simrah, for amazing dancing for We Will Rock You

David’s Class – Kian, for fabulous use of symbolic communication in and out of school

Dates for Diaries

Thursday 8 June at 9.00am – Coffee Morning, would love for you to attend

End of Term

Have a lovely Break and see you on Monday 5 June!

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

Full details

Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

Full details

Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

Full details

Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

Full details

Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

Full details

Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Look at what Lara’s class have been doing this week!

In literacy this term we have been reading the book ‘The Enormous Turnip’. The children have enjoyed sequencing the story using props and have acted out the story in class. They did a fantastic performance of the story in the whole school assembly. It was amazing!

We have also done a lot of baking this term and we recently baked and decorated cakes for our classroom picnic as part of our mindfulness week.

We enjoyed exploring the nature around us during our walk at natures world as part of walk to school week.

In Music we have enjoyed playing a variety of instruments. We have followed along with familiar songs and rhymes and have explored playing our instruments in a range of different ways.

Dates for Diaries

Michelle S & Sophie S class visiting Middlesbrough Central Library – Monday 22/05/2023

Nursery Trip to Coulby Farm – Tuesday 23/05/2023

Break up for May Half-Term – Friday 26/05/2023

Explorer of the Week

Becky’s class- Charlie, for playing ‘Roll the ball’ with an adult

Hanna’s class- Noah, for excellent participation in math’s and cooking. Well done!

Kirsty’s class- Amber, for using her voice to communicate

Morgan’s class- Lily, for sitting longer at the table when completing activities

Jenni’ class- Finley, for growing his independence at home and at school, dressing himself on his own for bed and PE.

Michelle’s class- Kiki, for curiosity in phonics, asking questions and matching sounds to letters

Lara’s class- Miles, for transitioning well this week

Charlotte’s class- The whole class, for being independent walking around Nature’s World

Grace’s Class- Charlie, for fantastic effort in Career’s Week

Andy’s class- Alfie, for being a fantastic role model during Careers Week

David’s Class- Elijah, for Settling in quickly to his new class and engaging with his peers

Zahida’s class- Louie, for making the right choices

Sophie’s class- Lloyd, for trying hard in choir and working through his nerves

Parent Survey

Please find below a link to the Parents Survey from Sandra Calvert (Principle Educational Psychologist asking what training and support would be useful


Please find below the QR Code which will also take you to the Survey

We would appreciate if you completed this Survey, Thank you

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

Full details

Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

Full details

Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

Full details

Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

Full details

Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

Full details

Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Look at what Hanna’s class have been doing this week!

Hanna’s class have had a lovely week enjoying lots of outdoor play which they thoroughly enjoy! They love exploring the water tray outside, practising a range of physical and mathematical skills including filling and emptying. We have also done some lovely spring art, decorating sheep for our spring display. As well as this, we have enjoyed a range of mark making activities in dry and wet textures. On Thursday, we participated in our cooking session. This week we made mini pizzas using shortcrust pastry. The children enjoyed helping to cut the pastry into circles, then spread tomato puree and cheese on top. They enjoyed exploring them once cooked. Some of us ate some and some smelt or licked to tops of their pizza which was absolutely amazing!! Well done to all the children in Hanna’s class for your fantastic work this week. We’re all very proud of your achievements.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 16th May- David’s Class Trip to Saltburn

Wednesday 17th May- Jenni’s and Zahida’s Class trip to Beamish

Thursday 18th May- Nature’s World walk to school week

Friday 19th May- Year 7’s out all day at a Career’s event

Explorer of the Week

Hanna’s class- Vienna, for an amazing week trying a variety of diffeent foods and requesting an apple! Well done! 

Kirsty’s class- Noah, for counting objects to 10

Zahida’s class- Charlie, for trying hard with his word pronunciation.

Grace’s class- Erin, for excellent teamwork during Youth Focus project

Sophie’s class- Benny and Isla, for managing in a different class and continuing with their work  

Jenni’ class- Jahmiah, for trying his best with his writing, and number mark making.

Lara’s class- Elsie, Katie, Amber, Lucia, Jacob, for paractising and performing in assembly

Michelle’s class- David, for working hard all week and the whole classs for accepting change and welcoming new children and staff into our class

Charlotte’s class- Jenson, for being a confident little super star! Using his voice.

Andy’s class- Aqsa, for fantastic work in Computing

David’s Class- River, for trying really hard to communicate his wants and needs using symbols.


Please find link below to book onto some half term sportsclubs with the company named sportworks



A reminder to please sign up to our schoolcomms app. Please see information below on how to download and sign up to the app.

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

Full details

Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

Full details

Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

Full details

Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

Full details

Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

Full details

Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Look at what Andy’s Class have been doing this week!

Andy’s class have been looking at a fantastic reading book this week, called Eric.  The main character in the story visits a new town and he goes to lots of wonderful places – the students have been writing about his adventures at some of the places he has visited. In maths, we have been looking at collecting data and presenting in a graph.  We have also just started to revisit place value and larger numbers. We are working with MFC in our additional PE sessions and have been looking at tennis this week. We have also been focusing on art in our wider curriculum, looking at Pop Art and focusing on Andy Warhol and his work.  We have tried to emulate his work and have learned how to use the screen printing technique. We have started looking at monarchy in history and are getting ready for our Coronation celebrations.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 8th May-Bank Holiday, School is closed

Tuesday 9th May- Coffee Morning- 9:30am until 10:45am

Wednesday 10th until Friday 12th- Carlton Trip

Explorer of the Week

Cheryl’s class- Jax, for amazing counting outloud! 

Becky’s class- Hunter, for riding the bike independently 

Hanna’s class- Amy, for lovely engagement with activities. Well done! 

Kirsty’s class- Izaak, for engaging and using his voice.

Grace’s class-Charlie, for fantastic effort in writing his story this week

Sophie’s class- Muhamed, for excellent listening and questions at the Transporter Bridge. 

Morgan’s class- Hassan, for beginning to order numbers from 1 to 10

Jenni’ class-Sofie, for continuing to practice writing her name and cvc words.

Michelle’s class- Izack, for incredible work on his Coronation t shirt. 

Charlotte’s class- David, for communicating verbally with staff.

Andy’s class- Maria, for excellent maths work on place value

David’s Class- River, for independent sorting skills

Bank Holiday

Just a reminder that it is a Bank Holiday on Monday 8th May meaning school will be closed. School will be open as normal on Tuesday 9th May.


A reminder to please sign up to our schoolcomms app. Please see information below on how to download and sign up to the app.

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

Full details

Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

Full details

Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

Full details

Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

Full details

Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

Full details

Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Look at what Morgan’s Class have been doing this week!

This week in Morgan’s class the children have been exploring different types of transport with a particular focus on cars.  The children have enjoyed practising their fine and gross motor skills by threading laces through different vehicles, moving cars around a road, popping bubble wrap and painting their own hands to make a car! Outside the children have been practising their independent skills by washing their toys clothes (from class) and hanging them out to dry!  In cooking the children have been cutting spaghetti, rolling corn on the cob to make a spotty print on their vehicles and chopping apples to make boats!

Dates for Diaries

Wednesday 3rd May- Michelle and Sophie’s Class Visit to the Transporter Bridge PM

Thursday 4th May- Michelle and Sophie’s Class Visit to the Transporter Bridge PM

Friday 5th May- Y7 Carers Conference All Day

School Coronation Celebrations PM

Explorer of the Week

Cheryl’s Class- Enas, for exploring new areas.

Becky’s class- Isa, for having a fantastic week!

Hanna’s class- Todd, for amazing engagement and doing more focus independent activities in his new chair!

Kirsty’s class- Millie, for joining in with activities and doing them independently, well done 

Zahida’s class- Siham, for joining in counting to ten.

Grace’s class- Kimberley, for amazing creativity in art this week exploring and creating Pop Art

Sophie’s class- Amber, for wanting to develop her learning independently. 

Morgan’s class- Scarlett, for independently using the soundpad to request ‘more’

Jenni’ class- Mayley, for fantastic CVC writing and reading of the class text map.

Michelle’s class- Bella, for amazing effort in writing and labelling. 

Lara’s class- Jacob and Katie, for following adult instructions and good listening at all times.

Charlotte’s class- Hanim, for great attendance and engagement in class.

Andy’s class- Simrah, for fantastic work all week, particularly with maths and her fantastic prints in the Pop Art lessons!

David’s Class- Joey, for smooth transitions and lovely interactions

Bank Holidays

Just a reminder that we have Bank Holiday’s coming up in May. Monday 1st May and Monday 8th May. This means school will be closed on these dates.


Just a reminder to please sign up to our schoolcomms app. Please see letter below to find a guide on how to set up.

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

Full details

Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

Full details

Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

Full details

Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

Full details

Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

Full details

Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Look at what David’s Class have been doing this week!

David’s class have been enjoying the sunnier Spring weather. We took the opportunity to develop social interactions with children in other classes, especially enjoying parachute games with Charlotte’s class and Lara’s class. In our outdoor learning we are also focussing on following an obstacle course and kicking a ball.

Dates for Diaries

Thursday 27th April- Zahida’s Class Horse Riding AM

Explorer of the Week

Cheryl’s class- Blake, for following requests made by adults. Well done!

Becky’s class- Kenzie, for exploring new textures in messy play

Hanna’s class- Joseph, for putting a big smile on our faces with his lovely engagement.

Kirsty’s class- Ben, for matching numicon to the picture cards. Well done!

Grace’s class- Hayley, for fantasitc effort to solve word problems in Maths

Sophie’s class- Isla, for an excellent piece of art work with great perspective!

Morgan’s class- Temidire, for making requests in full sentences! 

Jenni’ class- Morgan, for fantastic work on time (o’clock) and recognising different times within the day 

Michelle’s class- Kiki, for great work on labelling and initial sounds. 

Lara’s class- Josh, for trying hard with everything this week. Well done!

Charlotte’s class- Fabian, for interacting with staff and working in a group with other children.

Andy’s class- Thomas, for singing in Brambles!

David’s Class- Daniel, for enthusiastically participating in whole-school routines and activities in the dinner hall and outside

Delivering Better Value

We need your views!

Delivering Better Value is a national programme of support to Local Authorities that have financial deficits in their High Needs Funding. The programme aims to support Local Authorities identify ways to develop provision for children and young people with SEND so that we can make sure the system will be financially sustainable in the future, as well as providing the right support at the right time.

The programme includes a grant application for funding to develop the  SEND system. As part of that application, we want to put children and young people at the heart of this plan, and your views as a parent or carer are really important to make sure we’re focusing on the right areas.

Please fill out the below survey to help us understand your views and experiences about your child or young person’s current educational setting. There’s a short closing date on this (24th April) so we have included the option to be entered into a prize draw for £30 of Love To Shop Vouchers. Please take a moment to share your views.

Survey for parents/carers – https://arcg.is/1enG5P0

IQM Report

Please follow the link to read our updated report from the Inclusion Quaility Mark

Bank Holidays

Just a reminder that we have two Bank Holiday’s coming up in May. Monday 1st May and Monday 29th May. This means school will be closed on these dates.


Just a reminder to please sign up to our schoolcomms app. Please see letter below to find a guide on how to set up.


Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

Full details

Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

Full details

Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

Full details

Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

Full details

Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

Full details

Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Look at what Michelle’s Class have been doing this week!

This week in Michelle’s class we have been looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We have a fantastic new writing area in which we can write letters, complete book reviews, send a card and spend time enjoying writing and mark making. The children made chocolate Easter nests in cooking class on Tuesday and we have taken part in lots of fun Easter crafts. Have a lovely Easter break, a reminder that school returns on Monday 17th April.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 17th April- Pupil return to school after the Easter Holidays

Thursday 20th April- Y6 and Y7 Carlton Trip Meeting 2pm or 4pm

Explorer of the Week

Cheryl’s class- Elijah, for trying a range of different new foods at lunchtime

Becky’s class- Charlie, for fantastic work with jigsaws

Hanna’s class- Noah, for learning how to put on and take off his shoes. Well done!

Leanne’s class- Jessica and Ben, Jessica for excellent rhythem to stop and play in music and Ben, for fantastic shape work using the interacative whiteboard

Zahida’s class- Sihem, for trying to wear his glasses for short periods

Grace’s class- Hayley, for excellent poetry writing

Sophie’s class- Harvey, for being super brave at the dentist this week

Morgan’s class-  Temidire, for beginning to transition from sensory rooms to classroom

Jenni’ class- Finley, for trying new foods during cooking

Michelle’s class- Oliver, for outstanding work on adjectives and alliteration during poetry week

Lara’s class- Miles, for engaging in his learning and communicating with adults

Andy’s class- Thomas, for fantastic effort in poetry this week

David’s Class-  Otis, for fab shape matching and co-active counting

Easter Activities

Please see poster below on information regarding activities through the Easter Holiday

Teeside Family Foundation

We would like to say a massive thank you to the Teeside Family Foundation who have donated us some Easter Eggs for the children. Thank you very much!

End of Term

We hope everyone has a lovely Easter Holiday. A reminder that the children will return to school on Monday 17th April.

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

Full details

Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

Full details

Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

Full details

Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

Full details

Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

Full details

Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Look at what Sophie’s Class has been doing this week!

This half term, we have been very busy learning new songs and actions for our Easter Service. On Wednesday, we went to St. Nicholas Church in Guisborough to sing with other schools from across our Trust. The children were so incredibly well behaved and looked very smart in their shirts and ties. Today, we have enjoyed a day out at Newham Grange Leisure Farm. We were lucky enough to see lots of animals including goats, pigs, llamas, donkeys to name just a few! The children enjoyed seeing the animals and having the opportunity to feed and pet many of them. They also had a great time in the adventure playground and the barn to eat their packed lunches. 

Dates for Diaries

Wednesday 29th March- NHS Opticians in school all day

Parents Evening

Friday 31st March- Last day of term

Explorer of the Week

Becky’s class- Darcie, for exploring toys all by herself and coming to school every day  

Hanna’s class- Todd, for excellent engagement in a range of activities, especially cooking! Well done!

Leanne’s class- Noah, for excellent retelling of the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Zahida’s class- Mason, Essa and Alex, for showing great teamwork and encouraging a child to get on a horse

Grace’s class- Lillie-May, for amazing dedication and contribution to the Easter choir concert

Sophie’s class-  Everyone, for outstanding behaviour on the class trip to the farm

Morgan’s class- Grace, for engaging more in class and having a good positive attitude

Jenni’ class- Morgan, for fantastic reading, identifying letters and brilliant work on his comprehension.

Michelle’s class- Everyone, for outstanding behaviour on the class trip to the farm

Charlotte’s class-Amiena, for using her voice to request for help or ask for a drink ‘water’

Andy’s class- Alfie, for facing hard challenges and giving his all.

David’s Class- River, for lovely co-active counting and identifying big & small

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Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.07.2024

This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to...

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Discovery Blog 12.07.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving...

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Discovery Blog 05.07.2024

This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and...

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Discovery Blog 21.06.2024

This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the...

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Discovery Blog 14.06.2024

In Jenni's class we have been learning lots.  In science we are...

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Discovery Blog 07.06.2024

The children were all happy to return to school this week after...

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Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


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Tees Valley Education